Logos and trademarks
Using our logo
The Adtran logo is the identifying mark of Adtran, Inc. The following guidelines are provided for use of the logo in electronic formats. The black and reversed logos are the primary logos and should be used in most instances.
Guidelines for logo use
To maintain corporate consistency, product recognition and world-wide marketability, use and reproduction of the Adtran logo are regulated. The following information provides specific guidelines for the use of the logo including size, color, placement, and layout information. The Adtran logo is not to be distorted in any way. The Adtran Logo is the identifying mark of Adtran, Inc. The following guidelines are provided for use of the logo in electronic formats. The black and reversed logos are the primary logos and should be used in most instances.
Clear space
To maximize the brand’s presence and visual standout, there is a defined minimum clear space area. This clear zone around the brandmark defines the area into which no other graphic elements, such as text, imagery or other brandmarks can intrude. Use the width of the Adtran “r” to determine the size of the clear space around the logo. This formula shown opposite applies to all sizes of brandmark reproduction.
Downloadable files
Choose the color and/or logo size and download the ready-to-use electronic art. Refer to our Logo Standards Guide for more logo standards and usage guidelines. If you have any questions, email us for further information.
There are three versions of the Adtran logo: one-color cyan, one-color black and one-color reversed,
Trademark usage policy
The Adtran name and logo have been used worldwide for years. As a result, they have become well known as representing quality goods and services in the telecommunications industry. In addition to extensive common law rights in its trademarks, we also own registrations for many marks in the US and around the world. The more popular our trademarks become, the greater their value is to us, and the greater is the need for their protection. To preserve and enhance their value, proper use of our trademarks is essential.
This Policy is intended to provide a general understanding of correct trademark usage. The requirements defined in this document apply to all of our departments, divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliates. They also apply to any individual or entity who has our permission to use the Adtran name or logo or any other trademark owned by us, including but not limited to resellers, developers, customers, advertising agencies, consultants, professional writers and editors, licensees and other third parties making reference to our trademarks. This Policy will be modified from time to time as we deem appropriate.
You may use our marks only if you adhere to the following guidelines for rules of proper trademark use: Use Complete, Unaltered Marks.
Logo standards
The Adtran name is not only a trademark used to identify our products and services; it also serves as our company name. Do not alter an Adtran mark in any way; for example, it is not permissible to change the words in a mark, abbreviate marks, or add words or visual elements to a mark (including modified fonts, colors, or capitalization).
Trademark symbols
Use a trademark symbol to indicate that the mark is a protected trademark. Before using a trademark owned by Adtran in online or print sales support materials, ads and the like, consult the trademark list to determine whether to use the(®) symbol or the TM symbol when referring to the mark.
International uses
Improper uses of trademarks and trademark symbols can have very negative consequences in many foreign countries. Do not use any Adtran marks in materials directed to foreign countries or audiences without first obtaining direction on proper use by emailing [email protected].
Acknowledge our ownership
A footnote or other legend to acknowledge that the mark is owned by Adtran should be placed at the bottom of the web page, advertisement, or publication in which the mark appears. The legend should identify the marks incorporated into your work that belong to Adtran. An example of an acceptable legend is: “Adtran and the Adtran logo are registered trademarks of Adtran, Inc.”
Do not mislead consumers regarding your affiliation with us
You must avoid the appearance or implication that our trademark belongs to you or your company, or that any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, or other relationship exists between your company and us in the absence of any arrangement of that sort. If such an affiliation does exist, you may state so on the material containing the mark.
Set our trademark apart from other marks
Your name, logo, and/or trademark should appear more prominently than our mark when both are displayed on the same page, web page, or other material. Our trademark should not be displayed in close proximity to marks not owned by us in a manner that might imply that the two marks are a single mark or somehow related, or that your company owns the our mark. For example, your company's trademark should not immediately precede the Adtran mark, or vice versa. No Adtran marks or any potentially confusing variations of an Adtran mark should ever be used as part of your company name, trademark, logo or product or service name.
Use of our marks in domain names prohibited
You may NOT register a domain name that includes any Adtran mark or name.
Merchandise items
You may not place our trademarks on merchandise (such as t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.) that you intend to sell or give away, unless you first obtain written permission from us. To request written permission, email [email protected].
Use of Adtran slogans
Our slogans or taglines should be treated in the same manner as any other trademark covered by this Policy.
Trademark guidelines
These trademarks, logos and service marks ("Marks") are the property of Adtran or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use these Marks without the prior written consent of Adtran or such third party which may own the Mark. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Adtran and any other company.